OPVG is governed by an eight-member elected Board of Directors consisting of Ontario processing vegetable farmers from across three Districts in southwestern Ontario. Directors are elected for a two-year term.
By regulation, the Chair is appointed by the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission. There are two Vice Chair positions, elected by the directors for one-year terms each year at the first meeting of the Board of Directors after the District Annual Meetings have taken place in the fall.
Dave Hope
ChairDave Hope graduated from the University of Guelph with a BSc (Agr) in agricultural economics, and was a partner in a livestock farming operation. He spent his career at OMAFRA working as Assistant Deputy Minister in several portfolios including Food Safety & Environment, Economic Development, and Regulated Marketing. He also spent time at the University of Guelph as a research fellow before retiring. Dave has served as Chair of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission and a board member of Agricorp. Dave has been re-appointed Chair of the Board for another term.
Ryan Leclair
Vice Chair, District 1Ryan Leclair is a 3rd generation tomato farmer from Dresden. He grew up on a family farm and has been involved in growing many different crops. Ryan farms full time with his family, growing tomatoes for Con-Agra Brands in Dresden, and they also have corn, soybeans and wheat in their crop rotation. Ryan has served as Vice Chair on the OPVG District 1 Committee, was elected as a Director to the Board in 2020, and in 2024 was elected to serve another two-year term on the Board and serve as Vice Chair.
Carl Merrick
Vice Chair, District 2Carl has grown up with farming all his life. His father worked as a field manager for Green Giant and as a teenager, Carl operated the harvester for GlanRvest. Carl is actively involved with the family farm near Strathroy and grows green peas, snap beans and sweet corn. He held the position of Chair at the local District Committee level for one year prior to joining the Board in 2018. He was elected to the OPVG Board in 2021, served as Vice Chair for 2022, and was acclaimed for 2023 in District 1 to serve another two-year term on the Board.
Neil Reimer
DIRECTOR, District 3Neil was born and raised on a farm in Belize and moved to Canada in 1986. He is married with three children and has farmed in the Vienna area for 20 years. In addition to the OPVG board, Neil has served on boards of Asparagus Farmers of Ontario and Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association. He has served on the OPVG District 3 Committee for four years and was acclaimed in District 3 for 2023 to serve another two-year term on the Board
Dan Froese
Director, District 3Dan Froese grew up on a farm, and he and his family live in Straffordville and have been farming for 20 years. They grow fresh and processing vegetable crops including cucumbers, peppers corn and beans. Dan has served on the local District 3 Committee for several years and was elected to the Board as a Provincial Director in October 2018. He is also a Councillor in Ward 2 for the Municipality of Bayham. Dan was acclaimed for 2024 in District 3 to serve another two-year term on the Board.
Peter Epp
Director, District 1Peter Epp is a 3rd generation farmer from the Leamington area. He graduated from the University of Guelph in crop science and agricultural economics, and is happily married with two sons. Peter has farmed with his grandfather, father and brother, and his oldest son is now actively involved. The farm operation has grown processing tomatoes since the 1950s, as well as a variety of other cash and vegetable crops, including onions. Peter was elected in 2024 for a two-year term, and continues to be involved with the local District 1 committee.
Tracy Gubbels
Director, District 2Tracy Gubbels was born in England and moved to Ontario as a young girl. She farms in Mount Brydges with her husband Pete and four daughters growing cash crops, watermelon and processing squash, and employing up to 14 offshore workers. Tracy has served on the District 2 Committee for several years and was elected to the Board in District 2 in 2022 as a Director for a two-year term. She looks forward to working with the Board to support growers and the processing vegetable industry.
Adrien Pinsonneault
Director, District 1Adrien is a 3rd generation tomato producer in the Chatham area. He is proud to be growing under his own contract in District 1. Adrien has been on previous grower buying groups as a Director and enjoys travelling and farming. He is also a licensed John Deere technician/mechanic. Adrien joined the Board in 2023 for a two-year term and looks forward to serving and supporting the processing vegetable growers in Ontario.