OPVG Current Newsletter


Cybersecurity Awareness

As farms use more and more technology in daily operations – from computers to robotics, drones, software, etc. – there also comes an increased potential for online threats.


Here are some tips for protecting your farm business from cyber attacks.


  1. Make a plan. What would happen if you had a data breach on your farm? Planning ahead and writing it down will help reduce the damage and downtime.
  2. Back it up. Do you have a system in place that regularly backs up your information? Think about also storing critical information in a separate secure location.
  3. Change it up. Change passwords regularly and ensure every employee has their own password when using farm software. Also consider if you need multifactor authentication codes for accessing farm information.
  4. Watch for scams. Know how to identify emails that may be phishing (online attacks that attempt to steal information, money, etc.). Here are some warning signs – sender’s name doesn’t match the email address, grammatical errors, emails asking for personal information or urge immediate action and generic greetings.
  5. Install antivirus. Make sure you have antivirus software installed on all devices. And be sure to perform regular updates, it’s one of the best ways to protect against online threats.


To safeguard how OPVG shares sensitive information, we’ve created the new member-only part of our website. It’s password protected and easy to sign up for. Sign up HERE.

Agricorp Production and Reporting Reminders

As the season progresses, please remember that it is the grower's responsibility to immediately report any crop damage or an unharvested crop left in the field, by calling Agricorp. An adjuster may contact you for more information or to schedule an inspection of the damaged crops. Do not abandon, destroy, replant, harvest or use damaged acreage for another purpose without Agricorp's consent.

Agricorp can be reached at 1-888-247-4999. Please have your name and Agricorp ID ready when calling. If you need more info on production insurance, you can find it at http://www.agricorp.com

Remember, OPVG is here to help!

Please reach out to the office if you have any questions or concerns.

Agricultural Employees Protection Act - Process Navigation Guide for Farm Employers

The Labour Issues Coordinating Committee has commissioned the law firm, Fasken, to develop a guidance document for all farm employers on how to navigate their legal rights and obligations when it comes to labour relations in Ontario workplaces.

This document was created due to the increase of inquires from farms who want to understand their legal obligations when responding to labour representatives who approach them and/or their employees.

You can view the full navigation guide HERE.


The Real Dirt on Farming Now Available


The latest issue of Farm and Food Care's, The Real Dirt on Farming, is now available.


This publication explores how food is related to all issues facing society such as, cost of living, energy, climate change, and healthcare. The Real Dirt on Farming shows the reader how growers and producers are feeding Canadians safely, nutritiously, and sustainably.


We have hard copies to pick up at the OPVG office or you can view the online version HERE.


We’re looking forward to seeing you at this year’s Vegetable Research Day,

presented in partnership with OMAFRA and the University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus and Nortera!

Thursday, August 15 2024

University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus

120 Main St. East

Ridgetown, ON

8:30 am – 1:00 pm

$30 per person (cash or cheque at the door)




OPVG office hours

8:00 am – 4:00 pm 

Monday to Friday

519.681.1875 opvg@opvg.org